

Explorer's Series #1: Train to Simon's Town
This was our Inaugural train in our "Explorer's Series," we would love to know what you thought, and also what we can do better for future trips to this destination, as well as for other "Explorer's Trains."

Overall, how would you rate your day on the train?*

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Part 1 - Tickets, Communication and the Journey

Bookings Process: Do you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas that we can work on?

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Communication (Email, SMS, WhatsApp) prior to and during the trip: Do you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas that we can work on?

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Onboard Services and Experience: Do you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas that we can work on?

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Duration of the Trip, both in travel time, and time at destination: Do you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas that we can work on?

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Do you have any OTHER comments, suggestions, or ideas that we can work on?

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Part 2: The Destination (Simon's Town)

What did you do in Simon's Town? (Choose as many as are applicable)

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How did you get into town?

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If you ate in town, where did you eat?

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How was the service where you ate? Was the restaurant prepared for train guests?

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In retrospect, what information would you have liked to know before you booked your tickets, or visited Simon's Town?

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Part 3: Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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